- Home
- About Me
- Why Online?
- How I Work
- Sex Therapy
- Couples Counselling
- Erectile Dysfunction
- Premature Ejaculation
- Porn Addiction
- Desire Differences
- Difficulty Orgasming / Anorgasmia
- Painful Sex
- Low Libido
- Hyper Libido
- Igniting Passion / Intimacy
- Sexual Orientation
- BDSM / Kink / Alt Sex
- Performance Anxiety
- Sexual Self-Esteem
- Sex Addiction
- Sexual Abuse / Trauma
- Sex and Disabilities
- Sex and Cancer / Illness
- Sex and Ageing
- Testimonials
- Contact
Schedule a free callback to discuss your requirements and find out how I can help.
Details matter
Useful Documents
The documents below have been designed to contain valuable information that is easy to read. Please note that by using this website or entering into a patient-therapist relationship with me, the terms below will apply.
Counselling Agreements
These documents will set out in detail what you should expect from our counselling relationship. Your welfare, safety, and privacy is of paramount importance to me, and my goal is to ensure the highest standards of practice.
Individual Counselling Agreement
This document will form our Individual Patient-Therapist agreement during and after our counselling time together.
Couples Counselling Agreement
This document will form our Couples Patient-Therapist agreement during and after our counselling time together.
Payment Terms
I offer three flexible payment options that can be tailored around your needs. These include paying for sessions individually, prepaid blocks that include a free session, and payment terms of 12 sessions to be used at any time but are repaid over 10 months.
Pay Per Session Terms
This document will form our Couples Patient-Therapist agreement during and after our counselling time together.
Payment Plan Terms
This document will form our Couples Patient-Therapist agreement during and after our counselling time together.
Prepaid Plan Terms
This document will form our Couples Patient-Therapist agreement during and after our counselling time together.
Website Usage and Privacy
The documents below have been specifically focused to make them easier to read. Please take a moment to review them for your reference.
Terms of Use
This document will form our Couples Patient-Therapist agreement during and after our counselling time together.
Privacy Agreement
This document will form our Couples Patient-Therapist agreement during and after our counselling time together.
GDPR Compliance
This document will form our Couples Patient-Therapist agreement during and after our counselling time together.