Sex and Ageing

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- Painful Sex
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Schedule a free callback to discuss your requirements and find out how I can help.
Intimacy Immortalised
Sex and Ageing
How to Keep Love Young
A young and healthy person tends to feel immortal. Though, as time passes, our focus shifts in sex and ageing. We tend to live more in the now, learning from the past. We live less in the future, and “future” begins to take on a different meaning.
Society, our cultures, and our families can tend to be unkind. Medical professionals overlook our sexual needs and prefer to focus more on treating current illnesses. It’s not often that a doctor will ask an elderly patient about the quality of their sex lives and intimacy. Perhaps the patient reminds the doctor of a parent. Or, perhaps in a society that is still riddled with sexual conservatism, the idea that someone would value sex more as they approach end of life, is out of the doctor’s emotional grasp.
I often say that I believe that it is everyone’s divine right to have loving, explosive, intimate, orgasmic sex. Whether you’re just discovering sex or celebrating you’re 60th anniversary, that is equally the case.
I work with my clients who have reached beyond middle age to resolve challenges that surround intimacy through the issues that you face. Whether that is illness, disability, lack of privacy, lack of medical concern for your sexual wellbeing, depression, anxiety, loneliness, grieving, or new partners.
I think that you have a right to be intimate with your partner. I also think that perhaps that right and desire might even be stronger in a palliative or hospice phase, than at any other point in life.
I have the world of respect for the desire to be close, no matter what. And, as I myself progress through the years, understand that there is no closer moment than one shared in blissful intimacy with a loved one.
Whatever it is that is preventing you or holding you back from enjoying that bond, please get in touch to chat. I’d love to tell you more about myself and about how counselling can be of assistance to you.
Alternatively, please book a Free Initial Consultation, or pop over an email if you prefer.
Erectile Dysfunction can always be treated. Find out how I can help you.
Learn to navigate libido in your relationship. Rediscover intimacy and passion.
Erectile Dysfunction can always be treated. Find out how I can help you.
Learn to navigate libido in your relationship. Rediscover intimacy and passion.
Heal from pornography saturation. Renew your sensitivity and reset your sexual fantasies.